Our work has long focused on the intersection of design strategy and creative mindset for successful innovation.
Fiona Maciver has published in journals and books about design leadership, innovation, and human-computer interaction. She also spoken about her work at conferences globally.
Fiona has researched the process to successful innovation with iconic businesses and creatives globally, including Smart Design, frog and DesignWorks. She has collaborated and written with leaders in their fields. These resources have all been peer-reviewed.
Maciver, F. (2016). ‘Reversing the design-marketing hierarchy: Mapping new roles and responsibilities in designer led NPD’. The Design Journal. 19(4) 725-746.
Maciver, F. (2011). ‘Comprehending the Evolving Leadership Role of the Consultant Designer in the New Product Development Process in Mature Product Categories’. Doctoral Thesis. Dublin Institute of Technology. doi:10.21427/D7460H
Maciver, F. (2012). ‘Diversity, polarity, inclusivity: Balance in design leadership’.Design Management Review. 23(3) 22-29.
Maciver, F. (2012). ’A profession in flux: An era of leadership for consultant designers in NPD’. Design Research Society international conference. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 1-4 July.
Maciver, F. and O’Driscoll, A (2010). ‘Consultancy designer involvement in the NPD process in mature product categories: Who leads, the designer or the marketer?’Design Research Society international conference. Université de Montréal, 7-9 July.
Maciver, F. and O’Driscoll, A (2010). ‘Consultancy designer involvement in the NPD: Mapping a novel design leadership approach’.EIASM International Product Development Management conference. Universidad de Murcia, 13-15 June.
Maciver, F., Malins, J., Kantorovitch, J., Liapis, A. (2016). ‘United we stand: A critique of the design thinking approach in interdisciplinary innovation’.Future Focused Thinking - DRS International Conference Brighton, United Kingdom, 27-20 June 2016, edited by Peter Lloyd and Erik Bohemia, 2016.
Maciver, F., Malins, J. and Liapis, A. (2015). ‘New contexts, requirements and tools to enhance collaborative design practice’. European Academy of Design conference. Université Paris Descartes, 22-24 April.
Maciver, F. and Malins, J. (2016). ‘Two heads are better than one: Principles and tools for collaborative design practice’. In: Markopoulos et al. (ed.), Collaboration in Creative Design: Methods and Tools. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 13-31.
Malins, J., Liapis, A., Markopoulos, P., Laing, R., Coninx, K., Kantorovitch, J., Didaskalou, A., Maciver, F. (2014). ‘Supporting the early stages of the product design process: Using an integrated collaborative environment’.International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. University of Twente, Enschede, 4-5 September.
Maciver, F. and Malins, J. (2016). ‘Design in a connected world: Enmeshing technology and the creative process’.DMI Academic Design Management conference. Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Boston, USA, 28-29 July.
Malins, J. and Maciver, F. (2016). ‘From the real to the virtual: Developing better software applications using design thinking’. In: Markopoulos et al. (ed.). Collaboration in Creative Design: Methods and Tools. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 337-349.
Kantorovitch, J., Niskanan, I., Malins, J., Maciver, F., Didaskalou, A. (2017) ‘Supporting the initial stages of the product design process: Towards knowledge awareness and inspiration’. International Journal of Recent Trends in Human-Computer Interaction. 8(1) 8-22.
Kantorovitch, J., Niskanen, I., Nummiaho, A., Maciver, F. and Malins, J. (2016). ‘Knowledge management support for conceptual product design’.IEEE Technical SAI Computing Conference. London, 13-15 July.
Liapis, A., Kantorovitch, J., Malins, J., Zafeiropoulos, A., Haesen, M., Gutierrez, M., Funk, M., Alcantara, J.M., Moore, J.P. and Maciver, F. (2014). ‘COnCEPT: Developing intelligent information systems to support collaborative working across design teams’.International Joint Conference on Software Technologies. TU Wien, Vienna, 29-31 August.
Maciver, F. and Malins, J. (2015). ‘Fostering design collaboration: Novel ICT tools to support contemporary design pedagogy’.International Journal of Education Through Art. 11(3) 407- 419.
Maciver, F. (2012). ’Reforming traditions, reshaping boundaries’. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal. 17(3) 87-90.
Maciver, F., Beltagui, A., and Dacre, N. (2016). ‘From service to product: App development in modern healthcare provision’.International Product Development Management conference. University of Strathclyde. 12-15 June.
Dacre, N., Beltagui, A., Maciver, F., and Prangnell, J. (2018). Iterative Co-Creation in Mental Health Mobile App Development. 27th International Conference on Management of Technology. Aston Business School, UK. 22-26 April.