Clear out time
For anyone with 50 open tabs -
I’ve had a tab open for 4 years and 4 months.
A tool I felt I should be excited about.
But I wasn’t. And so it lingered there, along with its 49 companions, waiting for a moment when I had time and inclination.
It never arrived.
Until this weekend. My desktop was suddenly a tortoise. That pesky tab loomed into view again.
Tabs are mental clutter for computers.
And science says our short term memory can hold only 7 (seven!) items.
Imagine locating a specific note on a crowded desk of 50 pink, orange, yellow clamouring post-its …
So, I closed the tab(s)!
Video courtesy of Red Bull
Things speeded up!
Things speeded up.
The researcher in me wants to make comment about archives and sorting and focus.
But this story is more important, because it transfers from desktop to, well, life.
Gunk clogging your wheels slows you down. Food, possessions, thoughts.
This is about choosing, discerningly.
Less is more.
More is less.
Cutting stuff loose takes decisiveness, confidence.
The exciting part is realising -
“I never needed that tab”!
What are you closing and what are you keeping?